Hi Milton,
Thanks for taking the time to test this out and post pictures. Also, great idea hooking a 7 segment display alongside the matrix; that makes it much easier. I tested the displays again and came out with the same map that I had originally. I notice, when comparing your map to my map, that they are exactly opposite. For your picture 1, I see D0, DP lit, which I index as 63 and you index as 0. Picture 2 I see as D5, DP; my index 23 to your index 40. Picture 3 I see D7,G which is my index 6 to your index 63.
I think maybe we disagree on the naming of the digits. Working from the MAX7219 data sheet, I used my multimeter diode test to light an LED on my 7-segment display. I probed the 7219 pin 22 (SEG DP) with positive, and pin 2 (DIG 0) with negative. This lights the decimal place on the right most digit, with the decimal place at the bottom. It looks identical to your picture MAX7219-1; is it possible you are calling that digit 7?