In the UK, the VRF (conspicuity squawk) is 7000 - therefore, if you push VFR on any transponder it gets set to 7000.

Is there a function where I can set the "XPDR_VFR" to 7000 instead of 1200?

Thanks (again, and again)!
Jun 14, 2020 in FAQs, Tips (Archive) by anonymous

1 Answer

For every SimVim transponder model type existed in the layout map and which includes the VFR mode, we need to add the "VFR change and save" mode, as in real devices. It's not functioning yet.

For now it can be done manually, but maybe better to wait a little (next version).

Jun 14, 2020 by anonymous
No problem at all.  I will put in 7000 manually.

Thanks again, Neil.

Manually - I mean in the config file:  add the  XPDR_Code_VFR  v=7000  in the [Startup]  section.
Oh wow - didn't realise that was an option.

I will try this - this is perfect for me!

Thanks again Vlad!
