Hi Vlad, Configuring the Stab Trim Cut Off -  I was able to find only one parameter " AP_Stab_Trim " 
I the FF-757 we have 02 cut off switches. - How do I go about configuring both the systems as I dont get an option of ( L/R/C ) or ( 1,2,3) ?

Secondly, these are Guarded switches, and there seems to be no option to start the sim with the "guarded switches open", (Did a search in the forum and found the thread regarding the Zibo) there is however a data-ref that I could use to open the guarded switch cover, Is there any parameter I could assign this to ?

Mar 5, 2021 in FAQs, Tips (Archive) by

1 Answer

The  AP_Stab_Trim and Elec_Trim_Mode   - is the switch for the electric trim mode select (used as in b737 pedestal).
The modes:  elec trim off,  AP trim off,  Manual and AP elec trim ON.

But, you are talking about the hydraulic system  cut-off switches. These 2 switches  shut off the  left or center hydraulic system power from related  stabilizer trim control module, right? I's not related to AP L/R/C.
Do you really need these switches operable?

About guarded switches you can read on this page (see at the bottom of the page).

You can give me the datarefs that keeps the values for guards, I will add it to the conversion for this plane  to be opened on start.(currently there is no way to add this in the converter, will be added later)


Mar 5, 2021 by

Hi Vlad, you are correct am talking about the hydraulic system  cut-off switches. those 2 switches  shut off the left or center hydraulic system power from the related Stab trim units 

Actually your right. those switches are not really necessary, dont think I am going to simulate a stab trim runaway. Shall skip these for now will however ask your assistance on some Switch Guards on the MIP & Over head Panels when I get there. Thanks Vlad. 


Today I learn that hcscis opened all covers switches in zibo737, that is ok. I found this topic, so I asked how close the cover in hcsci for "Manual Landing gear"? Is it possible to make config that I can choose which cover I want close or open?

In my case zibo wont retract the landing gear if that cover is open. When I manualy  close the cover, landing gear works ok.
Please download the latest database file (SimVimX.dat) and replace it.
For Zibo now this guard is not opened and you can assign it as switch.

Assign the switch for the man gear  cover in the related configuration tool mapping.
It's the "Gear_Emergency"  keyword.

thank you

its worked
