Anyone have any experience with the propwash vid6606 board? I have it hooked up but the motor leads do not seem right. The propwash board has ABCD which correspond to 1234 according to Kyle at Propwash.

When I hook the stepper up this way, start xPlane, the neeedle moves to the stop. when I run the configurator, lower the slider does nothing, raising it makes the gauge go backwards (counter clockwise)

If I swap 3 and 4 (1A 2B 4C 3D), lowering the config does nothing, but raising now makes the needle go up?

I have tried 2 or three other ways but it seens all I can do is make the needle got up or down by increasing the slider, decreasing the slider does nothing, I always unplug power and move needle to center of travel to test. I am assuming wiring as on the HCSCI page

Wires exit back of stepper        4               1

                                                 3                2

Probably overlooking something simple but I am currently stumped.

Mar 24, 2021 in Hardware, wiring by

2 Answers

Just make sure you have the steppers are connected to the controller as described here.


Mar 25, 2021 by

I will save Vlad the trouble of telling me to not just read, but UNDERSTAND the instructions! I had the Nano powered thru the 5V pin instead of the USB!

Power the slave board from stabilized 5v power supply through the USB socket.

I don't understand exactly why that caused the behaviour it did, but everything is WONDERFUL now!

PS...Thanks Vlad for adding stepper option to the flaps, I have my first beautiful homemade gauge that works perfectly! 

Mar 25, 2021 by
