Hi Vlad

Is there plans to get the 737 clock working? I tried using the generic clock functions but they don't seem to work with the zibo 737, I can't change from ET to FT also the ET i can start and stop but not reset, so its not really usable apart from displaying the time
May 6, 2021 in Hardware, wiring by

1 Answer

Hi Ian,

Yes, we will continue to work on the chrono functions.
But, question: are you trying to replicate the chronometer "in real" (using LCD, 7-segments, stepper, etc), or you use the on-screen only clock?
May 7, 2021 by
Hi Vlad thats great news,

The setup i have is same as 737 but without the needle that moves around the outside, So i have a 4 digit display for the clock, a 4 digit display for the chrono/FT and 7 buttons around the edge for chr, et, reset, set, time/date and the + and - buttons
Hi all,

interesting news. I´m also working on my 737 Zibo clock.  I will use an on-sreen clock (ZHSI), so I only need the 7 buttons around the clock :-) Looking forward. THX

Cheers Bernie
Hi Vlad, Are we any closer to having a working chrono for 737?
Can someone please share some technical information.  I have the actual panel (using two 7-segment, and the push switches around the edges) and just need to understand how to hook it up to my master board (or a slave board if that is what is needed).  I am looking for please:

- Connection information

- How to add it to the dat file

FYI - I have already completed my EFIS and MCP

Many Thanks,

There’s no point worrying about the 737 clock as it doesn’t work, I asked Vlad about a year ago and have since asked again and not getting any reply
