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Jul 31, 2021 in FAQs, Tips (Archive) by

1 Answer

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! Always use only the latest version of SimVimX plugin with relevant SimVimX.dat database file and the latest RSC_Planes.dat file (if you have one of the listed models that require it).

No need to keep older version for a long time, and of course, try not to skip too many versions, there is no reason to be concerned about using the latest version.

Many changes (and fixes) that are made in the database and the plugin are related, and the configurator and converter always (automatically) use the latest version of the database and plugin functionality, so using an older plugin version is useless in terms of compatibility or reliability, the latest version always has all the latest functions and fixes all known bugs.


Jul 31, 2021 by

No, I haven't seen a multiplexer board with wire clamps.

I would recommend not to use any "headers" or clamps, to avoid extra contacts. The best way is soldering wires directly to both sides of the board.

Please see this video, it's easy actually, you need to have .
It's from this page,
(here I solder wires on one side only because the other side with pins is used for breadboard, not real cockpit, but for cockpit you need to solder wires to both sides)


Thanks Vlad
Hi Vlad,

I understand Zibo and xplane are constantly updating but I just want to highlight two things that have recently stopped working for me, first the vert speed display 7 seg display doesn't show anymore, if I map to say altitude it's fine so can't be my hardware, also the trim wheel motors no longer work.

Many thanks for your ongoing commitment
Hi Vlad & Roman,

I've just completed my Baron 58 glareshield warning panel using the LED multiplexer. All seems to work except the pitot heat LED output. I've tested the LED itself by duplicating the parking brake output, and it works. I've tried LED outputs PITOT_HEAT, PITOT_L, and PITOT_R, but none work. Please can you advise on the correct data ref to use.

Secondly I have a 4 position switch for the DME selector (OFF, NAV1, HOLD, NAV2). The switch will select off and nav1, but not nav2 (I'm using the default Laminar Baron 58, which doesn't have hold function so I'm not expecting that to work).

Many thanks, Shane

1) Reassign this LED in the configurator (I have corrected it in the B58 map).

2) SimVimX plugin functions for all radios are programmed independently on any aircraft model, and have all needed functionality (including HOLD).

That means, if you make the real DME (Using LCD / 7-segment indicators and switches), you will get the device working exactly as in real-life instrument, you don't need to even have this device in the virtual panel.

All you need is is do not look at on-screen device.

Also, of course this full functionality is implemented in the SimVimPanel program, and if you are using our panel for Baron 58, you will see all functions working.

You can see how it should work (both in SimVimPanel and in the hardware device) on this page:

To see demo - click the DME on the second picture, then select the KDI 572/573 device, and then "turn it on", click all zones to see how it should work in your hardware device or SimVimPanel.
(Try to click everywhere, including the "No station signal", No accurate calc")

Hi Vlad,

I've uploaded the new pitot heat LED output and it works, but in reverse. ie light is on when pitot heat is off and visa versa.

I've looked at the radio page, and it's superb! At present however I'm using Air Manager for some instruments so I'm reliant on the config of xplane datarefs to obtain the output / selections I require.

Thank you,

Hi Vlad,

I've fixed the DME problem myself by re-writing the LUA script within the air manager DME instrument. Instead of taking switch position values from xplane I now import your simvim datarefs and use if then statements to re-write the corresponding xplane dataref values.

I still have a problem with the pitot heat LED however :/




In real plane this is the "warning" light, showing that you didn't activated the pitot heating. So, it should be ON when the heat is off.

I don't know why in the Laminar Baron 58 is led ON when pitot is ON ,

There are some other B58 models where it works as warning light for OFF, in others - as light that indicates the heater is ON (maybe wrongly).

Ask the real b58 pilots.

Don't you want to use our SimVimPanel for Baron 58?
In this case you don't need additional plugins, no scripts, all works with SimVimX.
And you can use Raspberry Pi.


Hi Vlad,
Just before you posted I noticed that on other aircraft (Piper Arrow) the warning light was on when Pitot was off, so began to wonder if this was normal behavior.

I got Air Manager a long time ago...before your panels were released to the public, and not tried them yet. I may given them a go in future.

Thank you as always for your support,
Hi All!

I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the FlitePal 737 Start switches. They are solenoid based and share a common ground with the rotary switch (this is the way the PCB the start switches are on is set up).  It seems that as long as the switch is receiving power, the solenoid is being held into the GND position regardless of aircraft state.  The switch does not release once the aircraft engines are up (in line with the sim).

I have the solenoid wired to the LED driver. as that's how I think it should be.  It should noted that my LEDs all share a common Ground, so I do not know if this is what is causing an issue.  I am sure its either my wiring or the common ground of the PCB on the starter.

Can anyone help?!?

