Hello again,

I hope all is well. I purchased a bunch of these modules from Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001283512357.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.35d21802AL0hhR

I thought they might work since 7-segment displays are supported using 74HC595 modules. I think they have these wired differently though. I am not sure, all I can get is junk on the displays. I think they have the modules wired so one register manages the segments and another register manages the digits. Is this type compatible? I have bought these twice because the first ones were too big. I hope I haven't wasted my money.


Dec 30, 2022 in Hardware, wiring by

1 Answer


No, this is a multiplexed displays.  Each of the 8 digits connected according to this scheme is lit for only a few milliseconds, and all the others are off. They all light up cyclically one after the other, and only the inertia of your eye/brain allows you to see them "all at once".

The RSC firmware is working only with data latching displays, as described on the website pages.

What does this mean and why?

1) When each 7-segment indicator (one digit) is connected to a single shift register with latching and all registers are connected in series, the controller send data to the display only once and only when incoming from the plugin data is changed (for example when you click the active-standby flip button for the Nav device). Then this data is latching (memorized) until the next change.

In this case,  the controller firmware, which constantly executes a number of I/O functions to control hundreds of switches, LEDs, displays, read, send and synchronize data with the plugin, spends only a small part of the processing time for such displays, even if you have dozens of them connected.

2) In the case of multiplexed architecture the controller must constantly send data flow of 128 pulses in cycle to the circuit to keep all digits lit.  This flow sequence is this - send 16 shift pulses - latch - delay - send the second 16 pulses - latch - delay - ... and this sequence is repeating constantly.

And even if one such display is connected and the RSC firmware has the functions to process it, it can completely ruin the rest of the data processing, not to mention the fact that you should have several such devices.

This display is good if you use one or two displays in some simple Arduino project , as a clock, without external data reading and communication with other devices.

3) Regarding the  MAX7219  display - it is also a multiplexed, but it has it's internal PWM controller with memory, and the RSC firmware works with this type of display the same way - send the data only once and only when data is changed.

Hope this help,

Jan 6, 2023 by
Thank you for the detailed answer! I see what you're saying. I'll change the boards over to MAX7219.
