Hi Vlad

I've now got the motorised throttles working when in AP and the trim wheels turning in my 737

Is it possible to get the trim wheels to turn automatically when AP is engaged. They turn when AP is switched off, by trimming the aircraft from the yoke rocker switch. I need them to turn by themselves when in AP, like the real aircraft does. For example if you increase speed with AP engaged, the aircraft will automatically trim down to keep the same height. I want my physical trim wheels to turn in this instance, but they dont.


Jul 28, 2023 in SimVim System by

1 Answer

Hi Mark,

I hope you have read this page before.

Please clarify that you did everything as described.



Jul 28, 2023 by
Hi Vlad

Ive done everything on the page apart from I don't have an encoder to manually control my trim. I don't want to use that function unless I have too

Do I need it?

Everything works fine in manual control. My physical trim wheel turns when I change the trim using the 3 position switch in my Yoke. This then changes the dataref in the sim and the trim in the sim changes accordingly

My physical trim wheel doesn't turn when in AP mode, however the trim changes and the wheel turns in the sim

No, you don't need the encoder if you want.

But you need to make sure that you have assigned and connected the Elec_Trim_Mode switch. (and AP_Stab_Trim) if you use the b737.

Hi Mark,

Note, that currently we are working on the plugin and firmware updating,
and the trim functions also will be updated ( will be uploaded next week)
The encoder for the wheel input will be necessary.

Thanks for the update Vlad

can I use a rotary Hall effect sensor for the manual trim wheel feedback

A normal encoder will wear out because of the speed of the motor turning the wheels

