The SimVimX System is a flexible, powerful and easy-to-use Input/Output interface for home cockpit builders that makes it easy to create your own cockpit without spending a lot of money or time since no programming or electronics skills are required.
Only cheap, mainly ready to use electronics modules are used without need to order or make any complex PCBs. It is not necessary to know X-Plane's data structure and scripts, only a basic understanding of datarefs can be useful for custom conversion.
1) SimVimX Plugin for X-Plane is the most essential part of the system. It provides data processing for output, receives data from the master controller board and communicates with the panel simulator (SimVimPanel program).
2) Firmware for Atmega 2560 controller is a highly optimized program code, written from scratch, without using Arduino libraries, to handle a huge number of inputs and different output devices, data exchange between the SimVimX plugin and the slave controller boards.
3) The Interactive Configuration Tool is a handy online I/O Configurator used to configure cockpit control hardware for any aircraft. Image maps of different panel areas and whole panels make it easier to find and assign all the needed elements to the switches, encoders, LEDs, displays and gauges.
4) SimVimPanel Software is a standalone program with a set of realistic, fully-functional aircraft instruments to be displayed on a computer that is connected by network to the main computer with X-Plane. The system is built in such a way that any number of computers with different instrument panels can be connected to the main computer running X-Plane. The program doesn't require any configuration on the user's part. Once you download SimVimX plugin for X-Plane and run the program on another computer in the local network, they will connect automatically.
The SimVimX project is always in a state of constant development and its functionality can be improved and changed during development.
It is currently freeware, but ultimately it can become free open source at a certain stage of development.
The SimVimX interface is a bus-based system for a widely dispersed work area (such as the home cockpit). The central control unit of the SimVimX System is a single "master" controller board Mega2560 (Arduino2560) with SimVimX firmware uploaded to it only once (until next firmware update).
All pins that are available in the CONFIGURATOR can be assigned for inputs/outputs or extensions
NOTE: The +5V output pin can be used as a source for all multiplexers connected to the system bus. Also it can be used to power few low-current output devices. See more detail about system powering here.
You can create a flexible modular system and have full set of input controls for any complex cockpit and easily expand it by adding more extension modules at any time.
You can use any of the Mega 2560 based controller boards available on the market. In the photo you can see three mini controller boards that are tested with SimVimX, the firmware was uploaded to every of these boards from SimVimX plugin menu without any problems.
withThere are some other atmega2560 controller boards on the market like "Crumbuino-Mega", various "core" modules. You can find them yourself using such keywords as "2560 core", "atmega2560 mini", etc.
The SimVimX Plugin for X-Plane is the most essential part of the system. Since this project launch, the plugin has grown into a huge program, which is not just an I/O interface that simply executes some X-Plane commands, but a "cockpit simulator" with complex custom functions for number of input/output systems.
If you have a spare Arduino Mega, you can quickly test how the plugin works with the hardware controller by uploading the SimVimX Firmware to it. The firmware is already included in the plugin, so just open the plugin's "I/O Hardware" menu and follow the steps described here.
Add the SimVimX plugin to your X-Plane as any other plugin. Just extract the SimVimX zip file as-is to X-Plane's "Resources/plugins" folder. The new menu item “SimVimX” will appear in X-Plane's Plugins menu. Supported systems: Linux, Windows, OSX. The status window shows the connected SimVimPanel instrument modules and connection status (you have to select to show the Status window):
The latest database file (SimVimX.dat) is always included in the plugin archive, but note that it can be updated frequently, even if the main SimVimX plugin has not been updated to a new version. Always replace older SimVimX.dat file in the plugin folder with the latest one. It includes all predefined parameters, the "embedded" conversion data for some planes, name auto-correction list (to replace old parameter names with new ones), etc.
Current SimVimX version (Plugin and database file), all systems | SimVimX Plugin - v2.21a | 20 Apr. 2024 |
Latest database file (can be included in the plugin archive above) | SimVimX.dat | 26 June, 2024 |
Experimental plugin for Apple Silicon (aarch64-macos) | SimVimX Plugin - aarch64-macos beta | |
>> Latest changes, description | Full Versions History | |
[SimVimX.dat file] ===================== 11.05.2024
B738 (Zibo) - the VNAV/SPD INTV modes now are working correctly with hardware. [Plugin Ver.2.21a] ===================== 20.04.2024- Another fix in conversion file error detection. [Plugin Ver.2.21] ===================== 17.04.2024- Tweaked conversion file error detection.
Note: X-Plane 12 Mac users with Apple Silicon processors can use the beta plugin archive for aarch64-macos above. Requires additional files from the main archive. Currently does not check for updates online. Plugin Update:Don't delete anything from the SimVimX plugins folder before update, as it contains your created .cfg files. In short, when you update the plugin, don't create some new folder, don't rename old one, just unpack the as-is into the existing SimVimX plugin folder and confirm files replacing. Note for upgrading from previous versions (2.19 and lower) to 2.20+: When you start X-Plane with a new plugin, your old file named devices.prf (preferences/calibration) located in the plugin folder will be moved into the loaded .cfg file at start, adding the [Prefs] section at the end of the file. Thus, all your calibration and device prefrences will be intact. |
The SimVimX firmware is a heavily optimized program code, written from scratch (without using third-party Arduino libraries) to handle a large number of inputs, synchronize data control for a large number of different input/output devices, exchange data between plugin and “slave” boards. The firmware includes functions fo massive inputs and it also is a kind of universal "driver" for all output devices.
Note: SimVimX System doesn't allow to use the controller board as a "usual" Arduino and users can not add any custom code, as there is no Arduino sketch, and the plugin uploads firmware directly to the board. At this moment the Atmega2560 is used as a convenient and easily available controller platform for SimVimX.
The firmware is designed to work only with SimVimX plugin. The latest stable firmware is usually included in the plugin.
The SimVimX Firmware needs to be uploaded only once, directly from the SimVimX plugin menu at the first time.
Then the firmware will be automatically uploaded to the board by the plugin when the next firmware version released.
You can see the firmware version on every connected LCD after the config initialization in the second line.
>> Latest changes, description |
If you need to upload the Ethernet firmware version set the "Ethernet" checkbox before pressing "Upload".
On successful connection you will see the messages "Master Board: Connected (USB/LAN)" and "Configured: 1 Input, 1 Output"
This means your board is working correctly, and you can start wiring all input controls and output devices to the controller and use the Configuration tool to assign all of them, but before you can run a simple test to make sure:
The plugin checks the currently used firmware version on connection, and if it needs updating (the new stable firmwre is included to the plugin or plugin finds a beta SimVimX file in the plugin folder), the program uploads the new firmware to the board and then establishes connection. There's nothing more for you to do for the serial USB version.
The project arose as a result of the need for a user-friendly I/O interface (which was difficult to find on the Internet at the time)
after first success with my Baron-58 panel (2012) program code.
SimVimX is the last generation of our I/O interface since 2012, among ArdSim/X, ArdRef, XPData developed before.
Here is the full history:
! While using the SimVimX system can greatly simplify the process of creating a home flight simulator, you should have some handicraft, basic wiring and soldering skills and sufficient technical knowledge in an aviation related field. Basic knowledge of electronics can be useful (but not required).
It is not necessary to know X-Plane's data structure and scripts, only a basic understanding of commands and datarefs can be useful for custom data conversion.
Before building a home cockpit (especially if this is your first project), you need to realise that it can be a complex and time-consuming process. Please first carefully study the pages of this site (all information is presented in a fairly understandable form).
The over-commercialization of the home cockpit building hobby over the past decade has resulted in a number of overpriced cockpit parts being introduced into the market that can be simply cheap boxes or bezels with a few buttons and a couple of cheap common components (such as GPS, G1000, etc.), but are often presented as complex devices for home cabins due to the lack of available information, that builders may have to easily make the same "complex" devices themselves.
Any enthusiast with the desire to create a home cockpit simulator has an opportunity to get all needed technical information, and know that instead of purchasing expensive hardware, they can build a panel themselves, spending a few hours and using very cheap or free materials and free software.
Of course, there are plenty of reasonably priced cockpit parts and handy “do-it-yourself kits” on the market for home cockpit builders, as well as learning resources, 3D printed parts, free 3D models, etc.
The SimVimX System is very easy to use with your DIY cockpit hardware. You can easily create or change the configuration for your cockpit of any complexity. The firmware is updated automatically after the initial upload from the plugin menu. You don't need to buy something special, all you need is common switches, buttons, LEDs, display modules and one controller board. And few plastics (PVC), wood, cardboard and your hands. Read "To buy or make?" here.
If you are going to buy some panels, modules, devices to implement them in your cockpit and use with SimVimX interface only, note that all you need is that they have the necessary switches, LEDs, displays to which you have free access to connect (solder) wires, without built-in Mega2560 board inside this device.
! We do not provide support for any commercial cockpit hardware that you could buy somewhere as a module for SimVimX interface.
We are not responsible for any problems that you may encounter, or once this device stops working after next SimVimX firmware automatic update or with newer SimVimX plugin.
If you produce and sell hardware for home cockpit builders and you would like it to be used with the SimVimX, please consider the following:
- It is forbidden to use software in any commercial products, to embed SimVimX firmware (or older ArdSimX) to any commercial hardware and use it as a part of commercial panels and modules. It's not allowed to distribute your products with any SimVim, SimVimX, SimVimPanel software or keep any of our files on other web resources and include them in the package of any products you sell.
SimVimX/SimVimPanel software can be freely downloaded from this website only.
This project is in a constant development, the hardware design can be improved and extended, the communication protocol can be changed frequently. The firmware has changed significantly from version to version several times to comply the SimVim(X) plugin protocol, and further changes may be made to the protocol and configuration.
For the purposes of children education and creativity in some non-profit institutions, museums, or schools (NO MILITARY purpose!), you can contact us and we will concider a way to provide a version for you.